— The island of Okinoshima is located sougonnni in the ocean between Japan and Korea, and since ancient times people have been awed and offered prayers to the deity of the island for maritime safety.80,000 offerings discovered on the island is designated as a National Treasure. As even landing on the island has been prohibited, the strict taboos have preserved archaeological ritural sites on the island almost intact over a millennium.In three shrines of Munakata Taisha, located in the islands of Okinshima, Oshima and Kyushu, faith in the Three Female Deities of Munakata that was originated in the worship for Okinoshima has been passed down until today. From Okitsu-miya Yohaisho on Oshima, we can worship Okinoshima from afar. And Shimbaru-Nuyama Mounded Tomb Group is the evidence of people who nurtured the tradition of worshipping the sacred island.The Sacred Island of Okinoshima and Associated Sites in the Munakata Region was inscribed on the World Heritage List in July, 2017..